School Uniform
We believe that a school uniform is important in building the pupils’ sense of identity and belonging to the community of the school. It instils a sense of pride in the school and supports positive behaviour. It is one of the symbols of the ethos of the school.
Our School Uniform consists of:
- white polo shirt
- burgundy jumper
- burgundy cardigan
- grey trousers
- grey shorts
- grey skirt
- grey pinafore
- burgundy and white check summer dress
- grey socks
- black school shoes
Our P.E Uniform consists of:
- white P.E. T-shirts
- burgundy or black shorts
- burgundy sports hoody
- trainers
- plain dark jogging bottoms for colder weather
The school office sells polo shirts, P.E. t-shirts, jumpers and cardigans that carry the school badge.
All items of school uniform should be clearly labelled with the child’s name.
It is important that children wear plain black shoes to school.
Closed sandals that are supportive and are in an appropriate colour are acceptable, but please ensure that these are not open-toed as it increases chance of injury and tripping and are not suitable for playtimes.
Children are all provided with a free book-bag upon starting school. They are allowed to purchase a new school branded book bag, or choose to purchase their own school bag if this initial book-bag is lost, damaged or breaks.
Children can wear sensible coats that ensure they are protected against the weather in an appropriate way.
When the weather is warmer the school will encourage the wearing of plain hats and sun-cream.
When the weather is colder, the school will provide updates to parents and may request additional clothing, such as thicker jogging bottoms for PE, hats, scarves and gloves.
At certain times of the year and in certain year groups, the teacher may request specific items of clothing to support with an activity, trip or event. We will look to minimise the impact of this wherever possible.
In the interests of safety, no jewellery – chains, rings or decorative earrings – may be worn in school. Stud earrings for pierced ears are acceptable and will be taped up during PE. Standard ‘non-toy’ watches may be worn although the school cannot take responsibility for them and they must be removed for P.E. lessons. Children will not be allowed to wear smart-watches that have 5G/messaging/picture taking capability. A ‘Fitbit’ style watch that counts steps is acceptable. Nail polish and temporary tattoos are not acceptable as part of the school uniform.
Long hair should be tied back and please ensure your child has an appropriate hairstyle and haircut for school. It is not uncommon for children to have nits and class teachers will communicate with you if this is the case, with a suggestion of hair being tied up to reduce the risk of them spreading.
In our warmer months the children can wear caps and hats. Please can these be an appropriate colour and size, as well as being plain e.g. no logos or large branding on them.
Where to purchase it
Branded school uniform is available from the school office only. This is open from 8:50am – 3:40pm every school day.
The school PTA runs regular second-hand uniform sales throughout the year, for example: for new starters at the beginning of the year, Christmas, Summer fete and other impromptu opportunities.
The Axbridge PTA can be contacted through their Facebook page to deal with any uniform queries –
If there is a financial issue regarding uniform, then please contact Mrs Page, Mrs Crompton or Mr Shillabeer; such matters will be treated confidentially.
Children in receipt of Pupil Premium receive support towards the purchase of new school uniform costs. Please speak to Mrs Crompton or email the school office on